Microneedling: In this seminar you have the possibility to learn this effective, non-evasive skin treatment, resulting in smoother, firmer and younger looking skin, within one day. Throughout the 6-month follow-up support via a specially developed Craftmaster App, you can then deepen your knowledge with the help of videos, pictures and other information. Microneedling is a form of Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT) which is intended to significantly improve the appearance of: wrinkles| stretch marks | enlarged pores | acne scars | aged skin | hair loss. Certificate: On the day of the seminar all students will receive a Microneedling Certificate of participation. The Microneedling Artist certificate will be handed out once the students have shown their work based on PhiAcademy guidelines using the Craftmaster App. It is important to point out that this work does not need to be perfect though error-free. To get the certificate, the students have contact to their Grand Master, Nicole Hahn, via the app. Each of the levels contains a small task (e.g. drawing on artificial skin and model). Nicole Hahn will support you step by step to execute them. After the last level the students get their personalized Microneedling Certificate of the PhiAcademy. Furthermore, the students receive the official Microneedling logo for pictures and references. This allows us to ensure the high-quality standard of the Microneedling artists. This is one of the reasons why our students produce the highest success rate. Starter Kit: A selection of Microneedling gels | PhiLings After Treatment Mask | Ultimate Skin Cocktails | PhiWipes A-sept | PhiWipes Make Up Remover | Universal holder | Round 5 sterile needles | Round 3 sterile needles | surgical marker pen | Microneedling After Care 50 ml | Microneedling Hair Growth Serum